Fully alive: Embracing the work God has given you

As I take a moment to linger between life coaching clients, I notice deep satisfaction settles over my soul. I sense God’s delight. I feel wrapped in His love as I appreciate the opportunity to serve my clients. What a gift to do this work.

I lean in as clients share the ways they are stuck. I listen intently for what they’re saying, in hopes of unlocking a key for their personal breakthrough. Knowing the right question can open their minds and hearts to new possibilities thrills me.

This job fits perfectly with my gift of exhortation. I live to encourage others. When clients thank me at the end of a session, I offer my own praise to heaven for the opportunity to serve them.

We are meant to experience God’s love through our work.

God has a calling over your life and it includes your work. God made you with specific skills, personality traits, strengths, and giftings, and when you walk in the fullness of who He made you, you will experience His love. You will feel more connected to Him and blessed in your job.

God is the divine designer. He created you exactly the way He wanted so you could move in the calling or purpose in your life. It’s important to understand how you are made. Let’s not begrudge it or long for something different. You don’t have to be anyone else. Be yourself and don’t compare. God knew what He was doing when He created you.

It’s important to notice what you’re good at. What comes easily for you? In what area are naturally gifted? Are you good with people? Do you have an astute mind? Are you a creative genius? Do you love to solve problems?

When you lean into who you are at the soul level, you will find abiding love in your work because God created you for it.

We were created by God to do specific works. Before the foundation of time, God made plans for you. He prepared things for you to do. This truth blows my mind! How intimate is our God? He knows us well.

Our most important job is to find what lights our souls on fire and then go do it. This is where we will experience God’s love most.

Scripture for meditation

“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” (Ephesians 2:10 NIV)

Prompts for reflection and journaling

What activity makes you feel fully alive?

What are you most effective at doing?

What makes your heart sing?

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Pamela Henkelman

Pamela is an enthusiastic encourager with a passion to speak, write, and coach.  She believes all of life flows from our loving union with God. She helps Christian moms navigate their changing roles with their adult children through intimacy with God. You can find her work at PamelaHenkelman.com and on Instagram.


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