Lift up your voice, raise your spirits

Singing is one of my favorite forms of worship. No matter what I’m navigating – from everyday challenges to dealing with an actual crisis – worship takes me away from my troubles to the feet of Jesus. As I sing, I receive peace, truth, reassurance, perfect love.

Since I was very young, my older sister orchestrated mini-concerts with our family, particularly our gaggle of four sisters. We’ve sung four-part harmony at weddings, funerals, and birthdays. We’ve even done a few concerts and released a couple of albums.

Since I love God and singing, it’s a combination that’s allowed me to meet deeply with my Maker over many years. Here are some of the scenarios when I exchanged anxiety, doubt, and fear with God’s blessed assurance through worship.

Worship brings peace

Recently…In my dermatologist’s office, I’m sitting through a blue light treatment for precancerous skin cells. For several agonizing minutes, I feel claustrophobic. My heart pounds with anxiety, and I am ready to run for the exit door.

I don my earphones, queue up Lauren Daigle’s Look Up Child album, and cling to the words from Everything. Aaaahhh…“Even the sparrow has a place to lay its head. So why would I let worries steal my breath…” My body stills, heart slows. God sees me. He comforts me.

Worship rings true

Years ago…I’m driving to meet a woman interested in working with me in a ministry. I’m running behind, as usual. My frantic thoughts taunt me. Look at you, you’re a mess! How can you lead in a ministry if you’re always late?

The words on the car radio from Casting Crowns The Voice of Truth disrupt this downward spiral. “…the voice of truth says, ‘This is for my glory.’ Out of all the voices calling out to me I will choose to listen and believe the voice of truth.” I shake off my shame and bask in the truth of what God says about me, that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. (From Psalm 139)

Worship reminds me who God is

Many years ago…My husband Chris is in the ICU in a coma, suffering from a severe traumatic brain injury after being struck by a delivery van. I don’t know if he will survive. And if he does, I have no idea if he will know me or our kids. Will he walk, talk, ever work again? There are no answers.

Listening to the radio, crying, heavy-hearted as I return from a hospital visit, Brooklyn Tabernacle’s Damaris Carbaugh breaks through my tears with He’s Been Faithful. “He's been faithful Faithful to me Looking back His love and mercy I see…” I get the album and blast it all day for weeks as a reminder of the truth He’s proven time after time.

Worship draws me near to God

Right now…I am in the midst of writing my story. It’s a story of hope. A story of resilience through the worst of times. A story of the beauty that God brings from ashes. And how through God, all things do indeed work for good. This has me reliving some of the most challenging moments in my life. I am emotionally fragile, sensitive, tearful. This is hard work.

But I also find it an amazing opportunity to go back over my life and see where God has been through it all. And that, too, brings me to tears of gratitude. Lauren Daigle again comes through with Thank God I Do. “I don’t know who I’d be If I didn’t know you I’d probably fall off the edge.”

I am reminded I don’t have to wonder who I’d be without God. He has truly been with me through it all – every moment of my life.

Merriam-Webster defines worship this way, “to honor or show reverence for as a divine being or supernatural power.” When I sing along, I magnify God with His Truth. I gain a new perspective on me and my problems. I sense God’s presence through the peace, comfort, joy, and grace I receive.

Scripture for meditation

My lips will shout for joy
when I sing praise to you—
I whom you have delivered.
But this one is also fitting
Psalm 71:23

Sing to the Lord, for he has done glorious things;
let this be known to all the world.
Isaiah 12:5

Prompts for reflection and journaling

When you feel unsettled by day-to-day cares or unexpected crises, how do you find peace and comfort? What helps to remind you God is near?

Do you have some worship songs that are go-tos? If you haven’t already, put together a playlist through YouTube that you can turn to when you need it most.

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Elise Daly Parker

Elise is a communicator and life coach. She connects with Christian moms (particularly busy moms in the thick of raising families) through speaking, writing, and podcasting (MomVision and Build Your Best Family). She helps moms savor not just survive motherhood. Topics include overcoming overwhelm, self-care, identity, grace, and relationships – marriage, momming, and friendship. Elise loves to help women live a life of purpose aligned with their passions and priorities through coaching, small groups, and Vision Board workshops. She’s co-authored the devotional Unshakable Peace in an Unsteady World. Elise has been married to Chris for 38 years. They have four adult daughters, two sons-in-love, and two grandchildren. You can find Elise at and @EliseDalyParker on Instagram and Facebook.


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