Discovering truth for your life: A 3-step approach to Bible study

In a world of 3-second sound bites and meme theology, we need God’s Word to keep us grounded and growing, able to avoid distraction and discern truth from deception.

Yet, many of us would admit we often open our Bibles and don’t know where to start. Because some parts of the Bible are easier to read than others, we sometimes read the parts that are familiar and avoid the parts we don’t understand. But God tells us that all His Word is useful and valuable for our lives (2 Tim. 3:16).

God wants us to understand His Word and be able to apply it in practical ways. One simple approach to Bible study I have found helpful is a 3-step process that involves observation, interpretation, and application. This method works best using an entire book of the Bible so that each passage is considered in its full context.


First, we read a passage and look for the plain meaning, asking “What does it say?” We take note of any repetitions, lists, comparisons, or contrasts. We think about the human author and his purpose in writing to his particular audience. We then summarize the passage in our own words.


Next, we ask “What does it mean?” We consider what the text would have meant to the original audience in their context. What principle can we discover that is not bound by time, culture, or situation? Using a study Bible, such as the NIV Study Bible, we can consult cross-references and study notes if we need help.


Last, we ask “How should I respond?” For instance, is there a promise to believe, a sin to confess, or a command to follow? What practical steps can we take to apply what we have learned?

Using a journal as we read can help to process our thoughts and keep track of our progress. Most of all, remember that the Holy Spirit who inspired these words can illuminate them and give us understanding (Psalm 119:130). We can pray before we begin, asking for insight and wisdom. And we can give thanks afterward for the power of God’s Word to change our lives.

While some time and effort are required to go deeper into God’s Word, its value for renewing our minds, changing our hearts, and guiding our steps is worth whatever sacrifice we make to learn and grow. Our goal in Bible study is to be grounded in truth and grow our faith, so we don’t have to meet someone else’s standard or seek perfection in how we pursue Him. God honors our desire to know Him more, and that is enough.

Scripture for meditation

“The unfolding of your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple” Psalm 119:130 (NIV).

Prompts for reflection and journaling

Have you ever opened your Bible and struggled to know where to start?

Are you often distracted when you try to study God’s Word?

What books of the Bible do you tend to gravitate toward?

How can you use these principles to grow in God’s Word?

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Jennifer Hayes Yates

Jennifer Hayes Yates is a wife, mama, writer, and speaker with an empty nest and a Southern accent. Having taught in Christian education for twenty-two years, she has a passion for communicating God’s truth and inspiring busy women to grow their faith one quiet moment with Jesus at a time. Jennifer is now a blogger, best-selling author, and passionate speaker. Lover of all things Jesus, books, and coffee, she can be found in quiet corners or busy spaces, sipping lattes, studying commentaries, and chatting up strangers. You can find her at, on Facebook @jenniferhayesyates, and on Instagram @jenniferhyates.


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