The secret to encountering the presence of God

I used to play Bible roulette. I would close my eyes, stick my finger in the Bible, and open it up to see which verse it landed on. I was certain God would speak to me in this random way. It’s funny when I look back at this "spiritual practice" because even though God can speak in any way He chooses, there’s a secret to consistently encountering the rich presence of God.

We don’t need a degree, a license, or a method to find God—we simply know Him through His Word.

Lean in for a moment because here’s the secret: if you’re longing to hear God’s voice, open the Bible and start reading. Maybe this isn’t the plan you were hoping for, but I can guarantee it’s actually the way.

Life can be complicated, but reading the Bible doesn’t need to be.

I start at the beginning, and sometimes I read a little, sometimes a lot. When I get to the end, I start over. This method helps me give grace to myself when something unexpected comes up. I try not to stress about quantity but simply trust that God knows what’s up ahead and He’ll have me at the right place at the right time. He wants to do the same for you.

I remember when a friend told me she had just finished reading through the whole Bible. At first, I was shocked and a little jealous, if I’m being honest. I’d wanted to read the Bible in the past, but the different reading plans gave me decision fatigue, and I never moved forward. God used my friend's testimony in a big way; I felt God calling me to open the Word and start reading. Over the next few years, I read through the Word of God, from Genesis to Revelation. Then I did it again and again and again.

The more I read the Bible, the more I found myself in the presence of God. No matter what was happening in my life, God’s Word lifted off the page and spoke to me. In the good, the sorrow, the burdens, and the peace. God met me there as I opened the Bible and read.

Countless times, the Word I just happened to be reading applied directly to a challenge in my life. On the third anniversary of my mom’s death, tears came to my eyes as I turned the page from Esther to the book of Job. God reminded me of His mercy and patience as I struggled to forgive her for many years. God showed me over and over the perfection of His timing and comforted me while using the Word to bring truth into my past and present. I felt seen and heard and loved.

Beloved, don’t miss the most incredible adventure of your life; God is calling. I know you’ll find peace here.

Scripture for meditation

“For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart” (Hebrews 4:12, NIV).

Prompts for reflection and journaling

John 14:26 tells us the Holy Spirit will teach us all things and remind us of everything Jesus said. Do you believe God can and will use the Bible as a tool to speak into your life?

Where can you find 10 minutes daily to begin reading the Bible?

Habits are often made after 21 days, and permanent lifestyle changes after 90 days. Can you make a commitment to yourself to read the Word for the next 21 days? For the next 90 days? Your life will be transformed.

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Nicole Williams

Nicole teaches people how to heal and forgive if their story holds grief or regret. She’s the author of RISE UP: Believing God When the World is Falling Apart, and her passion is influencing people to read the Bible for themselves. Nicole lives near Houston, TX, with her husband of 28 years and is mom to two young adults. She loves the hopeful strength of the morning light, long walks with their lab Lily, and all things travel. She would love to connect at, where you can grab her FREE guide Start Tiny: 7 Habits to Heal Unforgiveness. Follow her on Instagram @ms.nicolewilliams or on Facebook @nicolewilliamsauthor.


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