What are you waiting for? Choosing bravery when your feet tell you to run away

I have this childhood memory that imprinted in my soft gray matter and comes back to flush my cheeks all over again any time it wants. I was at the community pool, standing up on the high diving board, where I had never been before. Why? Because I was afraid of heights. Just the thought of heights could turn my legs to jelly.

But there I was, and a line of kids was queuing up behind me, rather impatiently, as I stood on the springy end of the board looking down to the deep dark bottom of the pool.

Did I jump? No, I did not. I walked back to the ladder and gingerly picked my way down the steps and made eye contact with no one. 

I have since jumped off a waterfall in South America, not without some appropriate screaming, although I still do not enjoy heights.

So I would love to go back and ask my childhood self this—what were you waiting for? What glued your feet to the board? Because on the other side of that jump was not death. It was an opportunity to grow. 

We spend so much of our lives waiting. Waiting for a person to come into our lives. Waiting for our healing. Waiting for our careers to be established. Waiting until we are unafraid, until we feel ready. 

This waiting becomes inaction, a self-fulfilling prophecy confirming that we simply can’t do the thing we are longing for. 

But scripture tells us to be bold, be brave, take action anyway. 

Even Moses, who we think of as a man of great faith, doubted himself and his calling (Exodus 4). He told God he wasn’t up to his assignment and maybe someone else should step in for him. God’s responded that He was the one who gave Moses the ability to speak, hear, and see. It wasn’t about what Moses could do but what God could do through Him. And then He simply told him to go. Go first, and then we will figure it out together along the way. 

This way of living isn’t for the faint of heart, but it is one that imbues meaning and life to the journeyer. And it enables us to keep growing.

If you’re keeping score, so far we have jumping from a high dive and leading millions of God’s people as our very similar examples of bravery. (Note the sarcasm.) But what about your internal life? How does vulnerability in a hard relationship feel? How about pursuing healing for childhood scars?

Being bold isn’t just about pursuing outward acts that people can applaud. It’s about authentically pursuing God’s best for each area of our lives, one terrified step at a time.

How do we shift from living a small life, a reserved life, into one that is bold? 

We remember that we are not alone in our waiting, and we will not be alone when we take our next steps. 
God is accompanying and guiding us even when the way seems obscured or we feel lost. In fact, sometimes the only way we discover what comes next is by taking steps of faith and seeing how our lives and his grace unfold. 

We remember that He anchors us and our future.
Like a tether, He gives us the freedom to explore and climb high and still return home safely. When we spend time with Him, we receive hope and fuel for each day as we face obstacles, endure uncertainty, and try to make the decisions that will change our world. 

We remember that being bold is contagious.
It starts with the courage to be who you are, as you are now, to stand tall in your identity as God’s child. That confidence enables you to grow in relationship with Him, to know He wants to carry out his purpose through you. This spills over into your everyday life, as you boldly share your faith and what you have learned, as you are generous to meet the needs of your community. 

This is a life that feels big, fulfilling, secure. This is a beautiful life, despite the struggles. This is a bold life. 

Scripture for meditation

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.
- Joshua 1:9

Prompts for reflection or journaling

What does your bold frontier look like? In what parts of your life are you playing it safe?

What does a tiny, bold, next step look like for you? 

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Angie Gibbons

Angie is a writer, speaker, and co-founder of Dawn, a mindful faith company. Her passion is to empower women to pursue spiritual and mental wholeness. Angie lives and surfs in Hawaii with her husband and three daughters. You can find her writing and free resources at angiegibbons.com and on Instagram @angiegibbons.writer.


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