How to share Jesus with others when you’re afraid
We don’t have to have all the right answers or know all the theological terms. We can simply share our story as an invitation for others to “Come and see.”
Reclaiming refuge: Courage to hold your boundaries
God did not call us to a life of constantly doing the will of others. We are called to do His will and live in the gifts He has given us - with purpose and for His glory.
How our insufficiency creates space for the miraculous
We must embrace our inability and lean on His supremacy. Showing up with empty hands and an admission of insufficiency creates an empty canvas that God can fill with things we never imagined.
How accepting yourself can lead to courageous steps of faith
Feeling loved helped me branch out and be courageous. I think a lot of people misinterpret the Bible where it says “Do not be afraid”, but it says that because we are to remember that God is with us wherever we go and will comfort us.
Goodbye fear, hello faith: Trusting God in the unknown
By releasing my own agenda, I made room for God’s divine plan for my life. I am no longer afraid of the unknown. Instead, I can face tomorrow with confidence, as I put my trust in the One who holds my future.
Grieving vs. healing: Making space for God to bandage our wounds
In the grief stage, God slowly begins to heal our broken hearts. He bandages our wounds, protecting us from further infection. He gives us grief as a gift. It creates a space in which healing will eventually occur.
Approach confidently and pray boldly
When we pray big scary prayers, we acknowledge our own weaknesses and shortcomings. We submit our will to His. When we align our will to his, we can ask God anything and he will hear us.
Living out your faithful courage as a parent
Yet I am certain that God’s goodness is there for the faithful ones who want to see it. So I let my children whine and question and then remind them that we go not for ourselves, but to see and remember the goodness of God in our lives.
Courage comes when you face your fears and choose to heal
We often wait until things are spinning out of control before we will sit long enough to bravely process our pain. But healing needs to happen at the heart of the wound for us to find freedom.
The liturgy of setting the table: Around the table find community and restore your soul
I am convinced now more than ever that tables are places of grace, sacred spaces of sustenance that infuse us with life, and make hospitality a faithful practice.
Rushing into the throne room of God: Boldly asking for God’s help
Tears started running down my face as I pushed my four-month-old on the trail. How could I even talk to God about this? Did He really see and really care about me? My little girl had already faced a life-threatening hole in her diaphragm; this just didn’t seem fair for her to have to face another major health issue. For the first time in my life, I pleaded and petitioned for my daughter’s life.
Loving across lines in the body of Christ
Real community happens through communion, conversation, and courage. And the deeper we connect, the more our differences settle beneath our unity.
Reflections on priorities and faith: A journey to restore balance
The first step in understanding what to do when your priorities are out of balance is to recognize that things are “not okay.” Then you can bravely break away and rest.
What are you waiting for? Choosing bravery when your feet tell you to run away
Being bold isn’t just about pursuing outward acts that people can applaud. It’s about authentically pursuing God’s best for each area of our lives, one terrified step at a time.
You don't have to be equipped to be used by God
There was a full-page quote that stood out like a neon sign. “God doesn’t call the equipped He equips the called.” In that moment, I knew I was being called and I knew I was woefully ill-equipped. After all, I was not confident in my leadership abilities and I had very little Bible knowledge.