You don't have to be equipped to be used by God

I was a young mom about to send my four-year-old firstborn clear across town on the big yellow school bus.

For the first time, I was releasing her into influences I didn’t and couldn’t control. Fear gripped my heart, my throat tightened, and tears flowed. It’s amazing I didn’t run right after that bus, grab my precious child back into the safety of my arms, and run back home.

I wondered…
Will the teacher be kind and patient?
Will my sweet daughter fit in and make good friends?
Will she be safe, learn values aligned with ours, be seen and heard?

It turned out to be a good year. My daughter flourished and I was involved as much as I could be - class mom, Christmas Story narrator, endless cupcake-maker for any and all celebrated holidays.

That summer, I was thrilled to hear a radio program about a growing ministry called Moms In Prayer. Apparently, moms were gathering in their homes for an hour a week to pray specifically for their children and schools. Though the ministry headquarters was in California, groups were local and could be started pretty easily if one was willing to lead.

I thought about the friendly, lovely mom I had chatted with so many times at the bus stop. A few things she said made me think she was a Christian. This was confirmed when I saw her and her kids at our local Vacation Bible School.

Reunited at the bus stop for a new school year, we quickly got on the topic of Moms In Prayer. Turns out she heard the same radio program and was eager to start a group. I figured she could lead because she was outgoing, confident, a natural-born leader. She was the perfect person to get the Moms In Prayer ball rolling.

Fast forward a few years, and my friend and I had helped many moms start Moms In Prayer groups in our town and the surrounding communities. I never considered myself a leader in any way. Yet, my passion helped me to step out of my comfort zone to share this peace-giving, life-changing, powerful prayer ministry.

Moms In Prayer was a lifeline for me. It united me with moms who were like-minded. We prayed for each other’s children as if they were our own. Praying weekly with my fellow prayer warriors brought peace, confidence in God, deep fellowship, and countless answered prayers.

So, I was more than happy to be a contact for headquarters if there was a mom somewhere in New Jersey looking to start a group. And I was eager to gather with any groups around our state just to connect, fellowship, get to know one another.

I was shocked when one of the leaders from Moms In Prayer headquarters asked me if I’d be interested in state leadership. Who me? She couldn’t be talking to me. I was an avowed follower. And I knew so many women who were so much better at leading than I. There must be some mistake.

Though extremely doubtful that I was the gal for the job, I wanted to be obedient to anything God might call me to. So, I agreed to look over the materials detailing the responsibilities and commitments of state leadership.

There was a full-page quote that stood out like a neon sign.

“God doesn’t call the equipped
He equips the called.”

In that moment, I knew I was being called and I knew I was woefully ill-equipped. Afterall, I was not confident in my leadership abilities and I had very little Bible knowledge.

But I was so excited about this ministry and loved sharing it. Maybe God wasn’t looking for knowledge and skills, but my willingness to serve and a heart yielded to Him? Maybe God could use my little mustard seed of faith to invite other moms to start a power-packed prayer group themselves?

I said, “Yes!”

And it was one of the best yesses I’ve ever said. It was an adventure of courage that required me to rely fully on God. I served as an Area Coordinator, State Coordinator, leader of many groups, and spearheaded the first Northeast Regional Retreat over the span of more than 20 years. It was a journey filled with joy, growth, and finding my way as a woman who actually could lead as long as God was by my side.

Scripture for meditation
Such confidence we have through Christ before God. Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God.
-2 Corinthians 3:4-5

Prompts for reflection or journaling
Do you sense God asking you to do something you feel ill-equipped to do? How will you answer?

Are you afraid to step out of your comfort zone to do something you know in your heart of hearts you are being called to? What one step can you take to build up your courage?

Elise Daly Parker

Elise is a communicator and life coach. She connects with Christian moms (particularly busy moms in the thick of raising families) through speaking, writing, and podcasting (MomVision and Build Your Best Family). She helps moms savor not just survive motherhood. Topics include overcoming overwhelm, self-care, identity, grace, and relationships – marriage, momming, and friendship. Elise loves to help women live a life of purpose aligned with their passions and priorities through coaching, small groups, and Vision Board workshops. She’s co-authored the devotional Unshakable Peace in an Unsteady World. Elise has been married to Chris for 38 years. They have four adult daughters, two sons-in-love, and two grandchildren. You can find Elise at and @EliseDalyParker on Instagram and Facebook.


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